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Here's a short summary:

Official Statement on 1Anime Rate Limiting Issues

1Anime is currently facing rate limiting issues, causing some anime titles to be temporarily inaccessible. Rate limiting controls the number of requests to prevent server overload. To mitigate this, users can:

  • Use a proxy or partner websites.
  • Refresh the page.
  • Change DNS settings to Google or Cloudflare.
  • Use a VPN like ProtonVPN.

We appreciate your patience and support as we work to resolve these issues.

Official Statement on 1Anime Rate Limiting Issues

Dear 1Anime Community,

We are currently experiencing rate limiting issues that are affecting the accessibility of our content. This means that some users may find it difficult to access certain anime titles on our platform.

What is Rate Limiting?

Rate limiting is a technique used by servers to control the amount of incoming requests. Think of it like a bouncer at a club who only lets in a certain number of people at a time to prevent overcrowding. Similarly, servers use rate limits to ensure they don't get overwhelmed by too many requests at once.

When a server is rate limited, it will reject additional requests once a certain threshold is reached. This helps maintain the server's performance and stability but can also mean that users might experience delays or be temporarily unable to access the service.

Why is 1Anime Being Rate Limited?

Due to the high volume of traffic and requests to our servers, we have hit the rate limit set by our hosting provider. This is a temporary measure to ensure that our servers remain stable and can continue to serve content to as many users as possible.

What Can You Do?

We understand that this is frustrating, and we are working hard to resolve these issues. In the meantime, we recommend the following:

  • Use a proxy: Access our content through a proxy service to bypass rate limits.
  • Use our partner websites: We have partnered with other anime streaming sites that you can use temporarily.
  • Refresh the page: Sometimes, simply refreshing the page can help you get through.
  • Be patient: Try accessing the content again after some time.
  • Support us: Donations and developer support can help us upgrade our infrastructure to handle more traffic.

Additional Announcement

We have added a CORS Proxy to help mitigate these issues. However, you might need to:

  • Change your DNS settings to Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.
  • Use a VPN like ProtonVPN to ensure smooth access.

We appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Our team is dedicated to resolving these issues as quickly as possible.

Best regards,

Svzn - 1Anime Development Team